Natalged Youth Dev’t. Caravan Goes to Callao

September 28, 2023

Callao National High School students and teachers had an enriching afternoon with the conduct of the Natalged Youth Development Caravan yesterday.

As the high school counterpart of the Natalged Reading Caravan, the Natalged Youth Development Caravan equips in-school youths with skills for them to improve academic performance and develop their well-being, as espoused in the Natalged Goals of Mayor Dante Dexter A. Agatep.

Local Youth Development Officer Gerlyn R. Yang provided the rationale and then facilitated the proceedings.

Four Natalged Youth Ambassadors—all staffers of the RIPPLE—the official publication of CSU Lasam, were fielded for the DIGITALLY YOURS segment:

Norielle D. Pastor talked about "The Power of Verbs in Telling Stories," using a video clip of the Technical Knock Out (TKO) boxing match between Manny Pacquiao and Ricky Hatton as a teaser.

For his part, Bryan Jay T. Tejada, presented "Essays Made Easy" to allay fears of most students in tackling essay type questions, much less writing narratives.

The tandem of John Balao and Kevin Tronquillo made a presentation on “Being Responsible Digital Citizens,” to remind the participants that every privilege or right in the digital age comes with responsibility.

A review on the building blocks of a sentence, a paragraph, and a simple narrative was taken up in between. It also pointed out that while it is cool to be able to write using a keypad or a keyboard, the conventions of writing now are still not entirely different from doing it on paper.

WCSAT Guidance Counsellor Excelyn G. Benitez took over the Nataleq+ short-film showing, which is being piloted as a tool for a wholistic Emotional Quotient Development Program. Benitez used the film shown as a springboard to address and give pointers on how to boost emotional intelligence.

Having engaged the audience of JHS and SHS students, the resource speaker then did a guide-through on how to deal with mental health challenges or issues among youths of today.

CNHS School Head Maylin I. Bumanglag delivered an acknowledgment message to close the afternoon session of the Natalged Youth Development Caravan.#


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