December 23, 2021

"The Campus Student Council conducted an outreach program to give help and to extend the essence, joy and spirit of Christmas to our Aeta brothers and sisters at Sicalao and Cabatacan West, Lasam, Cagayan."

Campus Student Council- CSU Lasam Campus

"The aforementioned program was sponsored by our lovely and kind municipal officials headed by Hon. Dante Dexter Agatep, Hon. Randy Cambe, Hon. Renato Paat, Hon. Federico Castro, Hon. Diocelyn Damatac, Hon. Felix Gerardo and Hon. Rowell Constantino, Dr. Jhoanne Quebral, and Ma'am Janice Ragutero."

Campus Student Council- CSU Lasam Campus

"With the support of the campus faculty and staff under the leadership of Dr. Ricardo B. Casauay, the Campus Executive Officer of Cagayan State University Lasam Campus, this venture of this young leaders ended successful."

Campus Student Council- CSU Lasam Campus

"Meanwhile, the barangay captain of Sicalao extends his sincerest gratitude to the CSU Lasam Family for their love and generosity for his barangay especially to the people under his governance. Likewise, the Head Teacher of Cabatacan West Elementary School gave his warm welcome and appreciation to the people behind this event."

Campus Student Council- CSU Lasam Campus

"This endeavor was escorted by the 17th Infantry Batallion spearheaded by the ever cooperative and accommodating LTC ANGELOU SAGUIGUIT (GSC ) PA 17IB BATTALION COMMANDER."

Campus Student Council- CSU Lasam Campus

"This whole day program of the student leaders of CSU Lasam under the leadership of the CSC President and the Governors from the different department has been successfully executed."

Campus Student Council- CSU Lasam Campus


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